Sunday, November 20, 2005

Remembering Roesland School

My folks moved to Canterbury street in 1974 and I was the new kid in fourth grade at Roesland elementary school that fall. Mom and I took my enrollment form and medical records up to the office before the first day and walked through the silent hallways. Roesland was built in the model of the singular small town school rather than a suburban school. The gymnasium had a balcony (reserved for sixth graders) and there were showers in the boys restroom (we didn't use those). Inside my classroom, three panels mounted on spindles concealed the coat nook. What appeared to be a chalkboard or bulletin board changed when you twisted the knob and pulled on the left side. The three panels opened together and revealed our coats and bookbags. The playground included a tennis court but nobody played tennis. Maybe they stopped getting so sweaty out there when the showers quit working.

They tore down the oldest section of Roesland in 1977 and erected a pod-style replacement wing with an open air library in the hub. They walled up the balcony in the gym too. It was very contemporary but even that did not last. Crews tore down the entire school last week. A new Roesland will be built here sans tennis court and balcony. It won't be the same.

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